Thursday 4 June 2015

How to select a CCTV surveillance system

Are you looking for a safety solution for your home and/or your home?

CCTV cameras can do the trick for you! CCTV surveillance uses video cameras to transmit signal to a specific location, to a monitor. This might sound like broadcast television, but it works point-to-point and you can decide where the footage goes.

CCTV cameras come in various sizes and shapes, and offer a wide variety of resolutions.

Before you buy a surveillance system, look out for the answer to the following aspects:

1.    Location of installation: You need to analyze which CCTV camera suits you best by keeping in mind the location of installation; for instance, you might want a waterproof camera for outdoor installation in places with heavy rainfall.
2.    Resolution of footage: You should decide whether you want a high quality image or you can put up with low; generally, high resolution is advised for businesses and areas where identification is necessary.
3.    Budget: Budget is undoubtedly an important parameter; one should invest well, to make it last long.
4.    Additional attachments: Whether you would want to install an alarm system or not, whether you would want decentralized or centralized cameras, are important considerations before buying a surveillance system.
Once you have a clear idea, you can proceed on to buy a CCTV surveillance system that suits your needs.

However, you must know for what purposes they can be used:

•    Crime control: CCTV surveillance in homes and offices can prevent crime largely. Studies have found that:

1.    Surveillance systems have helped reduce crime in parking lots by 50%.
2.    Surveillance in public transport, helped reduce criminal activities in them by 30%.
The increase in popularity of surveillance systems has reduced crime by a significant amount, also prompting governments to install surveillance systems in public areas and transport.

Footage from CCTV security cameras serves as important evidence in crime investigation.

•    Industry: Industrial processes that are hazardous for humans are performed under CCTV camera Surveillance.
•    Use in institutes: In schools, the surveillance can be used to track unacceptable behavior by students or teachers which can help prevent bullying and assaults. In other institutes, like hospitals and navy institutes, these serve as a measure of maintenance of code of conduct.
•    Traffic monitoring: CCTV surveillance installed at road intersections and signals can help report ill behavior on road and help reduce accidents.

Once you decide the kind of cameras, you want in your surveillance system and decide what kind of monitoring you require, you can easily find a surveillance solution that suits your budget and then the seller will help you out with installation, through either a manual or a trained technician.

However, keep in mind that your surveillance has to be protected, since it is prone to damage from the climate, or dust, and as well, may produce lower quality images because of lenses being filthy or blocked.

Even though a surveillance system may sound high maintenance, it is a great safety solution for homes and organizations.